modern postural yoga rooted in ancient tradition backed by scripture and embodied philosophy

Power of 3 – Inner Peace

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Power of 3.
A handcrafted blog about well being, yoga and wisdom by Donna Raftery.

8th October 2023

Welcome. Happy Autumnal blessings, can you feel the shift? Perhaps the change in temperature or daylight hours affects your current mood? What disturbs your inner peace? Is it always external factors? Or something else. Let’s dive in…


1. Obstacles

What one obstacle can you identify that keeps coming up? This can be small or significant. Sometimes the small things ARE significant! Perhaps a habit you can’t shake off, recurring thought pattern or a block to a new creative venture? I’ll share one of mine – no matter how much decluttering, organising and tidying I do, I still end up with piles of PAPERS. It drives me mad. They pile up. Mainly in two places. On my desk. In the kitchen – can you relate?! This I admit is a small issue but once witnessed (seen, observed) there is an opportunity to shine a light of understanding upon it.

Two options arise: 1) do nothing 2) deal with it

Do share yours with me! I believe environment supports or undermines our efforts so dealing with anything that is causing a disturbance to our inner peace is worth exploring.

2. Afflictions

In our yoga practice we can recognise this too. In Yoga Philosophy they are known as the Kleśas – of which there are five. Translated as ‘afflictions’ or ‘poisons’ describing a range of negative mental states. They are:

1 Avidya (ignorance, wrong knowledge)
2 Asmita (sense of I, egoism)
3 Raga (attachment)
4 Dvesa (aversion or hatred)
5 Abinivesah (clinging to life and fear of death)

See if any particular one resonates with you.

3. Centred

When we feel centred in ourselves, no matter what life throws at us we are able to withstand it. This could be understood as a ‘personal boundary’. Know your limits and stick to them no matter what. Whether this is time, energy, self care – especially as we slow down towards the darker months we need an established footing that serves and sustains us.

A reminder that I have some one to one availability. Holistic Coaching, extra support if you need it. The Rest and Reset Yoga workshop (Yoga Garden Sussex) on the 20th of November is half full so do book if you’re contemplating it. More to come for your 2024 Diaries next time. Stay cosy. Thanks for reading.

Much love + gratitude


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