modern postural yoga rooted in ancient tradition backed by scripture and embodied philosophy

Power of 3 – Balance

You’re reading the
Power of 3.
A handcrafted blog about well being, yoga and wisdom by Donna Raftery.

1st October 2023

This week we explore Balance. Not the standing on one leg variety – although I enjoy this and recommend it! Instead looking at where do we feel out of whack right now? Is the Balance of life and work, relationships and self care sustaining us or (rather dramatically) killing us? This is the life. Right now.

Balance for you is unique and finding that sweet spot will take some investigation. Let’s dive in…


1. Doing and Being

Let’s start by remembering that in truth you are perfect, whole and complete. Nothing need ever change. This whole concept of Balance really comes down to our deep understanding of this truth… think about it. Are you driven by Doing or by Being… what do you prize above all else? Doing something *insert activity here* or *being* which lights you up?

2. Within & Without

It’s flippant to blame the seasons, the planets, our families, our spouses etc for the external impact on how we show up in the world, but within each of us – is this reservoir of knowing, of wisdom of energy that we ultimately get to direct in any direction we want. When we feel balanced – in mind, body and soul we are rarely affected by these ‘outside forces’ we remain centred and calm. Can you recognise the reverse of this? How easily we can fall victim to outside influences when we are not ‘aligned’. Find the right blend of ‘coping strategies’, healing modalities, and whatever else appeals to you on the level of heart, mind and body – for true balance is only achieved when all three states are satisfied.

3. Maintenance

Then, finally the key to sustaining this state of equilibrium is maintenance. Is it even possible to remain balanced? Does that sound boring to you?! Ha. I understand. We can play with this energetically to find the right mix for right now and be open to it changing… over time, just like us.

I’m really excited to see what this brings up for you – please hit reply and tell me. If you would like to take this further, let’s chat about how can we do this together – with accountability and support. Reach out any time, I have new packages to support you through 1:1 coaching, embodiment and healing. A bespoke programme to serve you as you are. If this is something you have been thinking about, let me know we can set up a call to discuss further. In the meantime – enjoy your practice, and let me know where Balance and Imbalance are showing up for you right now – I’m interested! Thanks for reading.

Much love + gratitude


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