modern postural yoga rooted in ancient tradition backed by scripture and embodied philosophy

Power of 3 – Commit

You’re reading the
Power of 3.
A handcrafted blog about well being, yoga and wisdom by Donna Raftery.

10th September 2023

This week I have been exploring commitment and how easy it is to navigate life without ever fully committing. Can you relate to this? Another way to describe this, is to be ‘half hearted’.

Where are you being half hearted?

I can really resonate with this when I look at how ‘slack’ I can be with my practices, with my studies. I’m not self-bashing here – just observing… How many half finished projects, how many abandoned ideas…

So this week – let’s commit! Read on to discover what I’m fully committed to…

ALSO… last few spaces for

Rest & Recover on Friday 15th at the Yoga Garden (Yoga Workshop for Women).

1. You Choose

Where do you want to commit? What does this whole subject bring up for you? Can you identify patterns of half heartedness? Or are you ‘all in’? Interestingly the etymology of Commit is joining or binding… sounds like yoga to me

2. Tune in

What does commitment feel like? Is there resistance? Fear of missing out on something else?

3. Whole hearted

What does it mean to be wholehearted in your approach in your life? To your practice, your hobbies or well being program?

Here’s my declaration – I am fully committed to serving humanity. I fully commit to sharing what I know, I fully commit to my own advancement, and my spiritual path in releasing all that no longer serves me. I fully commit to clarity – to being clear about who I am, and what I do. I am committed to my values, truth, freedom and beauty. I commit to speaking as I think then acting as I speak.

To being as authentic and true to myself as possible and to be kind to myself. When I fail or falter, I will recommit and begin again.

What would it look like to lead a fully committed life? Committed to health to wellness to personal advancement to spiritual growth to financial stability to loving relationships, learning and growing and sharing and being whole hearted…

I’m really excited to see what this brings up for you – please hit reply and tell me – what are you committed to? If you would like to take this further, let’s chat about how can we do this together – with accountability and support. Reach out any time, I am opening up new offerings of bespoke packages to support you through coaching, embodiment and healing. If this is something you have been thinking about, let me know! More to come soon, in the meantime – enjoy whatever you’re committed to!

Much love + gratitude

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