modern postural yoga rooted in ancient tradition backed by scripture and embodied philosophy

Power of 3 – Healing

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Power of 3.
A handcrafted blog about well being, yoga and wisdom by Donna Raftery.

17th September 2023

Last week we explored Commitment and what it means to be whole hearted in our efforts. This, we know takes practice. It’s the effort and time we often need to transform – and it’s the same with healing.

Where do we feel the need to heal?

I like growing things, nurturing things from seedlings to hopes and dreams and over the years I have explored many modalities in the well-being and healing sector. From Alexander Technique, Reiki, healing crystals, Bach flower remedies, herbal medicine, essential oils, shamanic drumming…. each has its place in the healing and well being journey. Each takes time.

From pulling a card in an oracle deck to dowsing a remedy. I love to learn the skills and practices to aid my own healing and offer this to others. Here’s some of what I have discovered along the way.

1. Empowered

Healing arises when we let something go that is holding us back. Some idea, thought, memory – normally outdated and untrue. Always test the provenance of a belief if it’s unhelpful. Rewrite the line to suit you as you are now – empowered and wise!

2. Yoga evolves

Physical asana in particular, may start as a ferocious hot yoga or systematic ashtanga routine and that may suit us for a while – however as we progress we need less and less from asana and lean more heavily on the meditation and contemplative aspects of yoga – in the fullest sense of the word.

3. Begin

It’s never too late to heal.

Thank you for reading – reach out at any time. Let me know what healing modalities you rely on… and also what you are keen to try…

Reach out any time, I am opening up new offerings of bespoke packages to support you through coaching, embodiment and healing. If this is something you have been thinking about, let me know! More to come soon, in the meantime – enjoy whatever you’re committed to!

Much love + gratitude

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